Posts Tagged Cardiff

Hugh’s Converse

I was in Cardiff with some work colleagues and when one of them got drunk enough to go and slap her hands on the live bands bongo drums I tried to get a photo. As you do – for future blackmail mickey taking.

Unfortunately my stupid Nokia N95 phone freaked out with it being dark and er, needing to act like a camera and took ages for the shutter to close. By which time drunk colleague had managed to bring the club to a standstill and I was trying to see what button to mash to cancel my photo

And that’s when it snapped Hugh’s legs by accident and you know what I’m thinking? I think he might be onto something there on the Converse wearing/Salsa Dancing scene. Cheeky twist.

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Hotel Dwelling In Cardiff

Why do towels and sheets in hotels feel so much better than anywhere else even after they’ve been slept on and wiped across thousands of other people before you?

So I’m wide awake at 0641 propped up in my double bed by 3 of the largest puffiest pillows and surrounded by a fantastically squashy duvet all covered in starchy white cotton covers. The being wide awake part is slightly absurd in the fact that I am A) Awake at this hour at all and B) Able to move my fingers and string words together after having piled into the hotel at 01:15am fully Gin & Tonic’d up. My colleague I fear, may not be quite so lucky this morning – a bottle and a half of red wine is never that kind.

Still no time to complain… ‘not being kind’ is about to take on a whole new level. Ask us how we’re feeling in a couple of hours after being at the Streetworks Conference!

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