Posts Tagged fitness

100 Push Up Challenge Week 6

I’ve had questions – people want answers. ‘What happened in week 6?’ they ask.

Well as you know week 6 came and went about 2 weeks ago (sorry if my days are off but I don’t know whether I’m coming or going lately). Basically the challenge was about being able to do 100 consecutive pushups by the end of 6 weeks.

Want to know my professional opinion on this?


I’m what I consider a fit person. I cycle around 30 miles per week and run about 15 miles per week. For the last 8 weeks I have put every effort into being able to do the 100 pushups. I’ve trained most days leaving an odd day out each week for a rest. I really have given it my full effort.

OK, so the last week is a far cry from my first attempts of not even being able to push myself off the floor at all so I have made good progress.  I also accepted that because of my damaged shoulder I wasn’t going to be able to be as quick or as strong as someone of similar fitness with a perfect shoulder might be which led me to stick with the girly pushups as opposed to the full on toes and hands stance which hurt my shoulder.

I think for many, many people this challenge is unattainable. I looked on the hundred pushup website and found more than three or four hundred people have registered as taking the challenge. You want to know how many have written in to say they did it?


Six people claim to have done the challenge and I don’t know what their physical background was when the started but I’m sure they weren’t as pathetic as me!

NOW – I’m not totally down on this whole pushup malarky because there is a fantastic side to this. My arms are definately more shapely and toned because of my efforts. Cracking down on the floor for 2 minutes each night is NO sacrifice at all to be able to get great looking arms that don’t ache when you have to hold your hairdryer above your head for 15 minutes like I do. It doesn’t cost anything, you don’t need special kit to do it, you don’t need a lot of space and you can do it anywhere… pushups don’t have to stop when you go on holiday. 2 minutes is all you need to do out a set of pushups – perhaps a few minutes more if you start counting near the 100’s.

I’ve also found my stomach is more toned which in turn has strengthened my back. Some of this is probably due to the plank position I’ve been holding regularly in an attempt to make my arms strong enough to do a pushup. Either way I’m benefitting in many more ways by having taken on this challenge.

And it doesn’t end there. Although I think the 100 pushups in 6 weeks is not possibe for most people (including the guy who wrote the program – because at last contact I believe he said he’d needed to repeat a week himself) I do think it’s a great idea and it’s inspired loads of people who are now, like me, enjoying the benefits I’d otherwise never have had.

I know there are three people that read this site who have been inspired enough by my effort to start doing pushups themselves and that makes me feel brilliant. It’s a great feeling to inspire someone else to do something, so good luck to you.

Right – here is what should have been week 6’s video, although it’s been done on week 8 but for the sake of being orderly I’m going to overlook that and lie. It’s a quicky because we’re off tomorrow night for THE OUTER HEBRIDES and I have loads to do.

So…… how many did I manage? You’ll have to watch the video.

Following this video I’m going to continue with the pushups and update you periodically when I reach milestones that I think are worth shouting about. I’ll get there if it throws my shoulder out! (and then I’ll have the perfect excuse to stop). I’m kidding!

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100 Pushup Challenge Part 4. (or 3 depending on which way you look at it)

I’ve now had 2 double Gins so if this is incoherent gibberish just read every 4th word to come up with something that makes sense.

The Pushup Challenge is going ok I guess. I’m not thrilled and excited about my progress because frankly by this point I expected a bit more out of myself. However, I think, through no fault of my own I haven’t been able to achieve that imaginary goal I had because of my gammy shoulder. If you’re just now joining the topic – my left shoulder is held together with a large screw and a metal plate and a couple of tendons robbed from elsewhere in said shoulder due to a serious mountain biking injury I had a couple of years ago. Therefore I think to expect it to be able to raise and lower my entire body weight 100 times is asking a bit too much and despite many weeks of building myself up to it gradually I am unable to do a full proper pushup so I have reached the decision to just complete this challenge by doing girly pushups. I feel like a bit of a cop out doing this but it is listed as an alternative method of completing the task on the 100 pushup website – therefore I shall make my excuses and go with it.

As rubbish as I feel for copping out I guess I do have some triumph in that in the beginning I was unable to do a single girly pushup and now I’m doing sets of at least 10 so I have made progress.

Anyway – as I said – fuelled by Gin, so it’s a bit drawn out but here’s the video!

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100 Pushup Challenge Part 3

Ok I’m a week behind with video but to be fair I haven’t made much progress, yet it’s not through lack of trying.

I’m doing girl pushups daily, small sets of however many I can do followed by a good attempt at the proper pushups and a couple of plank poses just to work on my stomach and back muscles. It seems that when I try to do pushups one of the parts that lets me down is my form. My middle immediately starts to try to hit the floor and I become this bendy thing made up of shoulder blades pointing one way and stomach sinking the other.

I’m disappointed that I’m nowhere near being able to partake in the schedule laid out by the 100 pushups website but I think there are reasons for that, the biggest one being the massive injury I had to my shoulder some time ago. I was never going to be able to pick this challenge up and start it just like that with no preparation. I’ve also had days where my shoulder has been a bit painful because of the effort I’ve put in so I’ve had to back off a bit and be more careful. I probably should take doctors advice to do what I’m attempting to do – but I don’t like going to the doctors so I’m just going to have to use a bit of common sense and do what I’m doing – back off if it hurts.

So here it is – end of week 3 (I think) although it seems more. I’ve done this video on Sunday evening – absolutely shattered and here are my excuses.

I spent most of Saturday erecting a fence in the back garden, lumping heavy posts and planks of wood about as well as digging holes, sawing wood and hammering nails. We followed this up with a spot of grocery shopping at Sainsburys and then tainted the entire evenings atmosphere by stopping on the way to the store to kill a rabbit which had just had it’s back legs run over, but was otherwise laying there very much alive and suffering. I couldn’t bare to drive past it so I made Wil turn around and go and finish it off, which he did very quickly and as humanely as possible. For the three of us, all vegetarians and very fond of animals, it was a horrid, horrid thing.

Today I got up early and ran 4 miles to the next village and back, then immediately got on my bike and cycled for 10 minutes so as to get in some practice for the duathlon in September. I then did 2 loads of washing, baked 2 loaves of banana bread, cleaned the fish tank, cut Cams hair, ironed a pile of laundry, cleaned out the Guinea Pigs, made dinner and then collapsed in a heap on the sofa before leaping into action one more time in order to bring you some rather crappy entertainment. That’s determination for you! That’s also why I couldn’t pull the pushups together as well as I think I could do another time. So, hopefully next week will look a bit better.

And finally – I’m not proof reading this before posting it because I want to go to bed so please excuse bad grammar and spelling. (When I say bad, I mean worse than usual)


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Pushup Challenge Update

"Kick me, come on! Kick me!"

"Do you think anyone wants a roundhouse kick to the face while I'm wearing these bad boys?"

I haven’t forgotten, it’s just delayed. I’ll get to it when I can drag my infesibly large biceps into position.

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Ok, Maybe I Am, Just A Little…

SmugI feel on top of the world today. Not wishing to jinx myself here but its been 7 months since my last migraine, if I make it a year I will be overjoyed. The sun has been shining which is fantastic and guaranteed to put one in a good mood – I’m happiest when I’m warm. Not only that but I was seriously beginning to wonder if I’d experience sweaty hands this year while I’m sat at my desk at work and today was a super sweaty hand day.

This evening I went along on my own to a local running club for the first time. Training for the duathlon in September has been going ok with me running on the treadmill 3 times a week and biking to work twice and getting in a longer run/ride outside on the weekend. I’ve also been doing the pushup challenge so my fitness is increasing. However, it can get a bit lonely and my motivation does wane when I’m constantly working out on my own. The only problem is having a running partner wouldn’t necessarily help things because I prefer to run at my own pace – bit of a dilemma. This is where the running club comes in because you get to train with a large group of people but everyone goes at their own pace. I didn’t know what to expect and I felt a little bit anxious turning up alone but I soon found there were loads of other women who’d come on their own and many had only been a handful of times.

One of the training exercises we did was in groups of 4 and on a sort of ‘relay’ style. At one point we were asked to run about 50 yards to a line where we then needed to perform 10 reps of a particular exercise. The choices were starjumps, spotty dogs, sit ups or pushups.

I waited second in line of my team and watched as the girl ahead of me ran the 50 yards and carried out 10 starjumps. As she returned I felt excitement brewing and I stood poised on my starting line, one foot forward ready to leap into action as her hand tagged my outstretched hand.

I ran across the grass staring at the small white cone marking my stopping point, then the line came in sight and that’s when I hit the grass on hands and knees and busted out 10 complete perfect girl pushups. Something that just 10 days ago I couldn’t have done if my life depended on it.

If smugness comes in 10 girl pushups I just supercharged my motivation for the real thing. 100 pushups here I come!

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100 Push Up Challenge Part 2

Today is one week on from my first attempt at doing a pushup. Last Saturday I found and decided to take up the 6 week challenge of training to do 100 pushups in 6 weeks.

Unfortunately my arms were even more feeble than I realised and I quickly faced the humbling experience of finding out I couldn’t even support my own weight while lowering myself to the floor let alone dream about pushing back up.

On Sunday I began working to get my arms to a point that I might one day be able to raise my own body weight off the floor.

I figured I’d start by mastering girl pushups (kneeling) and lowering myself to a level before the point of no return, this was only about 3″ down from arms fully extended, then I held it there until I couldn’t hold it anymore. I did this 5 times and each time my arms became more feeble and very shakey.

On Monday and Tuesday I repeated what I’d done on Sunday, only on Tuesday I found I was able to go a bit lower than I had before. I also started doing the plank exercise as it’s pretty good for strengthening a whole range of muscles around your abs, back and shoulders. Once I’d propped myself on my elbows and toes I just held it as long as I could. This made me feel like I was experiencing an earthquake because my whole body shuddered uncontrollably while my unused muscles screamed!

On Wednesday my pecs felt sore so I rested.

On Thursday I lowered myself as far as I could and did this 6 times, rested, then repeated twice completing 18 ‘halfway’ girl pushups, or 3 sets of 6.

On Friday I did the same as Thursday and found I was able to touch my nose on the floor before pushing back up. A stunning contrast to just 6 days earlier.

Given my gammy shoulder I’m not going to hurry to start the proper full on pushups so my 6 weeks is going to begin next Saturday following one more week of strengthening my arms.

Therefore I’m calling this ‘The 2 Week Weedy Arm Assault’…. now for the fun bit….

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Weedy Arms

Given my dedication to keeping fit I should find it no problem launching myself into training for 5krun/23kbike/5krun, well that’s what I thought until I began running again and 15 minutes in to the ‘Hill Run’ program on my treadmill I got the achiest arms EVER. Both of my arms began to get a dull ache emanating from the front of my shoulders down to the crook of my elbows, right through both biceps. It felt like I was having trouble holding my own arms up!

And I think I know why.

A couple of years ago I had a nasty accident when mountain biking in Scotland. I dislocated my shoulderblade, collarbone and arm and broke my collar bone in 2 places and splintered the end of it so badly that after poking it back through the skin the end had to be cut off so they could screw it back down onto my shoulder. For obvious reasons I’ve been very protective of that shoulder and arm because GOD HELP ME if I EVER experience pain like that again. I’d rather be trampled by Bison.

Bison wearing stilettos.

I also consider myself lucky, given the extent of the damage that I have a fully functioning arm today. However, in light of the damage I did and the fact that I have never made this arm as strong as it was it is now quite pathetic. The trouble is because I baby the left arm, the right one generally gets an easy life too so now I have TWO WEEDY ARMS that seem to have trouble with the smallest of jobs such as holding their own weight while I run or holding the hairdryer above my head for the 45 minutes it takes to dry my hair – which is something I find SHOCKING. I’ve tried passing this off on the fact I do have very thick ropelike hair which does take an age to dry, but….

who am I trying to kid?

I’m on the downhill approach to 40 and if I’m not careful I’m going to have a set of arms that resemble Pat Butchers and I don’t think I’m quite ready for a part time job as a dinner lady at school.

That’s when I found and their promise of being able to do 100 pushups in 6 weeks if I train 3 times a week. I can do this because I currently exercise 3 mornings a week before leaving for work, 10 minutes extra will not be missed.

The first thing I have to do according to the site is figure out how many pushups I can do now. The answer to that can be seen in the video. Then looking at the table I can find out what my workout plan will be.

Just one question. The site reads:

“So, you’ve completed your initial test and you’re keen to start the program? Great! If you managed 5 or less push ups in the test, follow column 1″.

Have you looked at column 1? HAVE YOU? Because I have and I’ll tell you what it says. It says to do 2 pushups on the first day!

I have a bit of a stumble on the starting blocks here. If I can’t do a single push up right now HOW THE HELL AM I GOING TO DO 2 TOMORROW?

Stick with me on this one – I’m going to bring you a video each week of my progress and we’ll see if the program works.

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