Posts Tagged mexico

Reality Blows

Hey Guys.... which way to the beach?

'Hey Guys.... which way to the beach?"

We arrived back from Mexico on Thursday morning and were cruelly hit by the 25 degree celcius drop in temperature. Fortunately we packed our coats at the top of the suitcase for easy retrieval.

The flight there had been a long one,  13 hours from London to Cancun followed by an hour transfer on the other end. We arrived at our resort in Playa Del Carmen at around 6pm shortly before dinner. We made it to dinner and from dinner straight to bed.

At 5am in the morning you could tell exactly who the new arrival Europeans at the hotel were. They were the ones staring out into the gardens and walking around the pool like zombies in search of sleep. Unfortunately by ditching into bed so early on the first night we crucified ourselves for the rest of the holiday and 6 out of the 10 days we were away we suffered terrible jetlag which hit knocked us to bed very early evening and made us spring awake long before anything other than the Coaties began howling at eachother.

We had a fab time anyway taking in the beaches, nature reserves, jungle, mangroves, reefs, ancient ruins, towns, public transport, glorious food and some great people.

If you like package holidays then I’d recommend Playa Del Carmen and I’d highly recommend the Riu Lupita hotel. All the information I found about it on the internet doesn’t do it justice. If you want to go scuba diving then you shouldn’t even consider putting yourself in anyone elses hands than Scuba Caribe. The guys there are serious professionals and they really highlighted what clowns we’ve used for diving in other places before.

For me, as much as I enjoyed our time away and felt thoroughly relaxed  – I’d like to have seen the real Mexico. When I go back some day it’ll be off the beaten track with a guide book and a rucksack.

Photos can be found on my Flickr site but I’d like to point out that I got a DSLR camera from the lovely Wil for my birthday just before we left and as you’ll see from some photos I still have some practice to do with it!

Photos Here

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We’re Baaaaaack!

sunburnWith screwed up body clocks.

Red bits.

Itchy heat rash bits.

Bottomless pits for stomachs (otherwise known as ‘All Inclusive Hunger Syndrome’)

A fresher angrier dislike for the UK and it’s SHITTY weather, although I’m told the moment our plane left terra firma on Feb 2nd you lot got dumped with the most snow in 18 years. LMAO – too bad we slipped straight into equatorial bliss of blue skies and bikini wearing warmth just 13 hours later.

A new dislike for nearly ALL Europeans (not just the French as before) and a new sector of French speaking wassicks – those being from Montreal and Quebec… Yes my xenophobia has reached new levels of hating those bastards who are incapable of showing manners, inability to take turns fairly and the persistant greediness of reserving sunbeds with towels – I’M TALKING TO YOU GERMANS.

Improved Spanish speaking abilities… I was able to use some of the Spanish I spent 2 years learning a while back. I was surprised how quickly it sprang back to me to the point that I think if I’d had another couple of weeks I could hold a fairly decent involved conversation.

250+ photos to pick through for the best shots to upload for you.

And a desire to hunt down and find the peanut allergy suffering asshole who got the entire aeroplane banned from consuming peanuts! That’s right – Thomson airlines ban peanuts if there is an allergy suffer on board. I want to know:



And lastly witnessing a shocking scenario at the airport whereby we saw a young girl from Romania standing at the passport control officers desk adjacent to the one we were at. She was asked what the nature of her trip was, to which she replied ‘to visit’. She was unable to provide an address of where she was staying and the response she gave to the question ‘how long will you be here for?’ varied from one week to a month. When asked for inspection of her return flight ticket she didn’t have one. They of course let her straight in!

Despite my sounding miserable and angry – take it as not as disappointment that I must have had a shit holiday but rather the best relaxation and evidence of the fiesty batteries being fully charged!

Whooot! More later when I’m not such a zombie.

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Holiddaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy… WHOOOT!

'Av summa that

February you say?
Crappy, drizzly, sleety, overcast, dark at 3pm, post Christmas monotony on a stick you say?
Freezing cold, nothing to do outside rubbishness you say?
So much repeated crap on the news about impending DOOM that the broadcasters have started scheduling second chance Sunday repeats and BBC iPlayer shows to make sure you’re taking in your portion of DOOOOOM you say?


We’ll be sodding off to Mexico then. 1st Feb – beach, beach, beach, sun, sun, sun.

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